What is 4-H?
Texas 4-H is a learn by doing youth education program for children 8 to 19. It promotes positive values, social responsibility, and lifelong learning. Clover Kids is available in some areas for children 5 to 7 (K to 2nd). Through 4-H and the opportunities it provides, 4-H members have the ability to participate in many activities and meet new friends. Do you like to take pictures, then photography is for you! Do you like shooting sports, then the Shooting Sports Club is for you! We have many opportunities available throughout our county including Livestock, Meat, Range, and Soil judging and more. All youth wanting to join 4-H must enroll annually. 4-H Enrollment is conducted by the County 4-H Office in each county. To maintain the level of programming and opportunities in the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program, an annual participant fee is necessary for each 4-H member. The participant fee is $25 if enrolled from August 15th to October 31st.
We currently have four 4-H clubs located throughout the county.
- Chilton 4-H
- Otto 4-H
- Rocky Hill 4-H
- Westphalia 4-H
For more information about Falls County 4-H and opportunities that are available to your kids please contact the Falls County Extension Office.